
WordPress vs. Tumblr

As you may have heard, I transferred domain hosts recently. While I am quite a bit happier with my new host, it seems as though I have lost all my WordPress content during the transfer.

I have done all I know to do, and all Google knows to do. I can’t recover anything from the database. On one hand, it totally sucks, but on the other, I look at it like a chance to start over. That’s the best way to look at it, right? We’ll just treat 2007 like a test run for blogging.

With that said, I have a question for all (5) of you. Should I keep the site semi-as-is, or change over to a blog powered through tumblr? I’ve been playing with it since the original site went down a week ago and I really like a lot of the features. The only drawback is I don’t know enough about coding to make a custom tumblr theme, and wordpress is extremely customizable.

Perhaps I can combine the two and create one super-website with all the content I want. What do you think I should do?