Do I need to go shorter? I think I need to go to a #2. You be the judge.
Year: 2008
The Happening
Hitting theaters June 18, the new movie from M. Night Shymalan:
(The original YouTube video was taken down, so I had to go with this one from RuTube, a Russian YouTube) Continue reading “The Happening”
This Happy Place…
“To all who come to this happy place, welcome.” – Walt Disney Continue reading “This Happy Place…”
My Primary Failure
I made sure to leave work with plenty of time to cast my vote.
I knew exactly where my voter registration card was.
I used Google Maps on my iPhone to find the local polling place.
I was excited do my part as an American and declare my voice in the primary election.
I was registered as an Independent!
I will have to wait until the general election in November to cast my vote…I’m hoping I get to do that for Ron Paul.
I Am Addicted To Technology
Hello. My name is John and I am a technology addict.
There. I said it. You have to admit it to be able to change right?
After a long conversation with my wife a few days ago I realized this. I have always been into technology, but over the past year, my addiction has increased greatly. I now have so many ways of spending time with people other than my friends and family and more often than not, I was choosing those other things.
I can be at home and not really “be” at home. I’ll be going through my RSS feeds, checking email on my phone, etc. Anything but actually spending time with people around me.
Google Reader, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Vimeo, iPhone and so many others. Sound like anyone else out there?
I am not saying there is anything wrong with these services, or any other out there. I love being able to connect with people around the world from so many different places. My problem is I can go overboard with new technology I find and let it take over my life.
But what am I going to do about it? Here’s my plan of action:
1. I deleted my work email account from my phone. My personal time is mine. I don’t think I’ve ever come across an email from anyone that is so important it can’t wait until the next day.
2. No Twitter updates to my phone. Sorry, Twitter followers, I won’t see your updates unless I’m logged into Twitterific.
3. No Google Reader when I am at home or out with friends. Sorry, blog world. I’ll check your feeds tomorrow…
That’s it. A simple system for decreasing my addiction and increasing the time I spend with people around me. I know it is going to benefit my relationship not only with my family, but also my friends and I think those I know through the internet as well.
Maybe you need to do the same thing?
The mystery of life.
Pretty good post from Creed Bratton, you know, from Dunder Mifflin?
Pongizzle Champion!
LOST Missing Pieces
LOST returns with 8 new episodes beginning this Thursday, January 31st.
The Season 3 Finale is airing tonight to re-cap, but if you want more new content before the Season 4 Premiere, check out the Missing Pieces episodes.
These are 13 mini-episodes with new original content featuring some unique insight to the storyline we have all come to love so much…
My favorites were # 3, King Of The Castle, and # 6, Room 23. The final Missing Piece, So It Begins, was pretty good too…
Check ’em out and let me know which ones you enjoyed most…
Ekset Apparel
Looking for some cool new clothes? Check out Ekset Apparel. It’s owned by an old high-school friend of mine, Matt Teske.
They have a bunch of cool stuff on the site, for men and women. I really like the <a href=″>Griffin and Atrium sketchbook tees.
Check out their site and pick out the gear you like. It’s high quality stuff and very affordable.