This week’s quote come from Into The Wild. The final scene with Emile Hirsch, playing the part of Chris McCandless, AKA “Alexander Supertramp” Continue reading “Friday Movie Quote”
Can Your Toddler Swim?
If your infant or toddler fell into a pool, would he / she know what to do? Continue reading “Can Your Toddler Swim?”
Friday Movie Quote
This monologue comes from the final scene in No Country For Old Men. Tommy Lee Jones, playing the part of Ed Tom Bell, is speaking about the two dreams he had during the night. Continue reading “Friday Movie Quote”
WordPress 2.5 Upgrade
I just finished the upgrade to WordPress 2.5 // For those not on RSS, will you please let me know if anything looks funky? I’d appreciate it…
There Is A Stirring In My Soul
It happens when I’m driving in my car. It happens when I’m sitting on my couch. It happens when I’m least expecting it. God uses two ways (mainly) to speak to me. Continue reading “There Is A Stirring In My Soul”
Going To Camp This Summer? is hosting Rated Arrgh this summer for all the kiddos out there. Check it out at Continue reading “Going To Camp This Summer?”
If You Had $300
If you had $300 to spend, on anything, what would you spend it on?
Rock Monster
This Saturday night, just in time for Easter, The SciFi Channel will be hosting the premiere of Rock Monster. If you’re like me, you just stopped reading this to set your DVR. Continue reading “Rock Monster”
Faces Of Meth
We all know Meth is a dangerous drug. It can change a person’s entire life (for the worse) very quickly. What does meth look like? This: Continue reading “Faces Of Meth”
Jamaican Me Crazy!
Anytime I hear of a new product going into beta testing, I’m there. It’s free and I get to check it out before the general public, right? Last week, I signed up to beta test coffee. Continue reading “Jamaican Me Crazy!”