I’m heading out the door in a few hours with my family and friends for a weekend trip to Dallas, TX. We will be celebrating the one and only Lisa Branson’s birthday with food, fun and fellowship. Continue reading “Heading On Down The Road”
INT Campus International Viewers
Just wanted to show all of you the map from our Tuesday night experience this week. Usually, the map is pretty heavily US – centered. This experience was different. Continue reading “INT Campus International Viewers”
Guitar Hero III Replacement Disc
A few weeks back, I saw the support from Activision was finally addressing the issue of mono-only sound in the copy of Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock for the Wii. Continue reading “Guitar Hero III Replacement Disc”
9:00AM GMT Experience Launching!
The newest LifeChurch.tv Internet Campus experience launches tomorrow at 9:00AM GMT. For me, that is 3:00AM CT. I will be staying up all night long to be there. Who’s with me? Continue reading “9:00AM GMT Experience Launching!”
MySpace Anti-Phishing Attempt
I had heard the rumors of the new anti-phishing links MySpace has put up to combat people losing their profiles to attacks but had not seen the official splash page until today. I wonder if this will really work the way they want it to. Check it out: Continue reading “MySpace Anti-Phishing Attempt”
Roll Call
Here’s the thing. I know there are some people out there lurking around, reading these posts and not letting me know. According to Feedburner, I have 31 subscribers and I’m sure I don’t know who all of you are. Continue reading “Roll Call”
Site Changes!
Wow. I’ve spent some major time working on a few changes to the site. Most noticeably a full header image and the new post switcher box on the front page. Continue reading “Site Changes!”
My little guy pimpin’ my Urban Outfitters sunglasses. Continue reading “Pimp”
Malachi vs The Lemon
Short little video of Malachi getting his first taste of lemon juice. Continue reading “Malachi vs The Lemon”
Do I need to go shorter? I think I need to go to a #2. You be the judge.